- News from the Podosphere
- The CaffiNation Podcast - Interview with Paul Rj Muller, Podcaster and Technologist
- Learn about his podcast on caffeine culture, technology news and podcasting tips
- Products and Sites Mentioned
- Audacity - free audio recording and editing software
Duration: 25:27
- New Interview Recording Setup
- Skype - make calls over the Internet to other Skype users free of charge and to landlines and cell phones for a fee
- Desire2Learn - Interview with Kenneth Chapman, Lead Product Manager
- Desire2Learn is recognized as a leader in educational enterprise software with a suite of applications, services, and support to power your learning infrastructure
- We discuss their course management system including usability, single sign-on, portals, custom branding, blogs, wiki's, e-portfolios, and learning objects
- Other software mentioned
Duration: 25:30
- Night Kitchen Interactive - Interview with Juan Leon, Senior Consultant
- Night Kitchen Interactive is an award-winning interactive design studio providing elearning, interactive exhibits, and marketing communications solutions for corporations and non-profit organizations
- Topics discussed: simulated environments, personalized learning, social media, Web 2.0, museums, kiosks and CD-ROM
- Products and companies mentioned:
Duration: 23:29